Home Workout #6: Abs Tabata

Tabata Crunch

CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! This is a all abs circuit. It’s 4 minutes long and consists of challenging core exerices.

Remember: Building your core is key in protecting your back!


Equipment Required:

  • Pilates Ball
  • Shock-absorbing flooring, preferably.
  • Tabata Timer
  • I like to drink BCAAs to help protect muscle while doing a fasted workout.
  • I also like to wear a heart rate monitor to record the zone my heart rate is in and the calories I am burning.

Video Workout

Make sure to give each exercise all of your effort; otherwise, you are not going to benefit from metabolism-boosting effects of this TABATA. For the best fat burning result do this workout prior to eating and wait at least 2 hours post workout before eating.  Don’t forget your heart rate monitor so you can see what you are burning!

This circuit consists of 4 exercises and is repeated twice. Set your timers for 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.

  1. Plank w/ Leg Lift
  2. Pikes on Pilates Ball
  3. Jumping Jack Planks
  4. Knees to the Chest on Pilates Ball

Alright, let gets started! Just click on the video below.
